Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

These are some of the most common questions people ask. If you don’t find the info you’re looking for, feel free to ask. We want to be as helpful and transparent as possible.

1. Are you agents?

2. What kind of houses do you buy?

3. Who do you buy from?

4. Will you buy my house even if it needs major repairs?

5. How do you determine the offer price, and is it “fair”?

6. Can’t I sell it myself and get a better price?

1. Are you agents?

No, we are home buyers/investors. We buy houses that we think are a good investment. After buying your home, we do necessary repairs and renovations before selling it.

2. What kind of houses do you buy?

We buy ugly houses. We buy nice houses. We mainly buy residential homes, condos, duplexes and townhomes.

3. Who do you buy from?

We buy houses from anyone needing to sell their house fast. Common reasons people need to sell fast include:


Divorce Settlement

Delinquent Mortgage facing Foreclosure or Short Sale

Costly Repairs.

4. Will you buy my house even if it needs major repairs?

Yes, we specialize in homes that need work. We are experts in the home construction industry and enjoy renovating and repairing homes. Water damage, needs a new roof, requires a total make over, it’s all fair game.

5. How do you determine the offer price, and is it “fair”?

We look at many factors, including the condition of your house, what repairs are needed, and the current real estate market in your neighborhood.

Our price is “fair” after considering all the time and money it will take for us to fix the house up properly.

Some people think that a “fair” offer is the retail price that other similar homes on the street have recently sold for. If you are willing to invest the time and money to repair and renovate your home, and then go through the entire traditional selling process, then you will, indeed, get a higher price than if you sell it to us. But that requires a cash investment on your part and may take several months of hard work.

Most people that sell to us don’t have the time and money to invest, or they don’t have the expertise to do all that work. They want fast cash and minimal hassle.

So in light of all the above factors, we believe that our offer is fair.

6. Can’t I sell it myself and get a better price?

Yes. For example, one way to sell your home without using a real estate agent is through the For Sale By Owner (FSBO) method. However, anyone looking to buy a home to live in will certainly expect things to be in working order. That requires you to do necessary repairs, fix issues, clean and make your place look nice. That still takes time and money, and some hassle. The only savings over using an agent is the commission the agent earns.

But the FASTEST and EASIEST way to sell your home is to find a reputable investor that is willing to do all the hard work for you. If they have cash in hand and know what they are doing, they can buy your home quickly and put cash in your pocket with as little hassle as possible.

Get Started Today With Your

Fair, Easy, No-Obligation Offer!

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